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发布时间:2024-09-14 21:00:07



Chinese astronauts conducted a science lecture 400 kilometers above Earth to millions of students on Thursday afternoon, as they orbited in the Tiangong space station. All members of the Shenzhou XII mission crew, Zhai Zhigang, Ye Guangfu and Wang Yaping, the only woman on the mission, greeted students, teachers and other participants when the lecture started at 3:54 pm. They showed viewers how they live and work inside the space station, which currently consists of a core module, a spacecraft and two robotic cargo spaceships.

The astronauts displayed their exercise equipment and a specially designed space suit, and conducted demonstrations on physical phenomena in microgravity, such as “disappearing buoyancy” and a “water ball”. Ye, who is on his first spaceflight, showed how he rotated his body in the weightless environment. The astronauts also answered questions from students during the lecture.

Tens of millions of primary and middle school students across China watched the hour-long televised event. A total of 1,420 invited students were present at “ground class venues”, with some taking part in video chats with the crew members during the lecture.

It was the first lecture of the Tiangong Class, or Heavenly Palace Class, China’s first extraterrestrial (地球外的) lecture series to popularize space science.

More lectures will be held based on the country’s manned spaceflights and will also be presented by Chinese astronauts, the manned space agency said.

Shi Yi, a physics teacher at the Beijing No. 101 Middle School, said the space lecture was an eye-opening experience that would ignite students’ interest in science.

Wang Yihan, a fifth-grade student at the Yuxin School, said: “The astronauts’ experiments really intrigued and surprised me. I have great interest in spaceflight and would like to take part in our country’s space exploration program in the future.”

Vincent Wong Wai-shing, deputy principal of Hong Kong’s Pui Kiu College, said after watching the lecture that the event gave Hong Kong students an opportunity to communicate with the astronauts while stimulating their interest in space and science.1.What do we know about the lecture conducted in space?

A.The lecture conducted by three Chinese astronauts lasted nearly an hour.

B.The astronauts showed how they live and work outside the space station.

C.How body is rotated in the normal environment was shown by the crew.

D.The lecture was conducted 400 kilometers above the earth in Tianhe space station.

2.What do we know from the passage?

A.Tiangong is made up of a core module, a spacecraft and a cargo spaceship.

B.AI members of the Shen Zhou XIII mission crew had conducted spaceflights.

C. More lectures in spacecraft have been arranged based on the manned spaceflights.

D.Students present at “ground class venues” thought highly of the lecture.

3.What docs the underlined word mean?

A.Astonished. B.Puzzled.

C.Interested. D.Tricked.

4.Which section can you read about the passage in the newspaper?

A.Science & Technology.

B.Space exploration.

C.Economy development.

D.Innovative teaching.

Crew members of China’s Shenzhou XIII mission are scheduled to give a space-based lecture on Thursday afternoon from the orbiting Tiangong space station to students around the world, according to the China Manned Space Agency.

The agency said on Monday that the three astronauts—Major General Zhai Zhigang, Senior Colonel Wang Yaping and Senior Colonel Ye Guangfu—will begin the first lecture of the Tiangong Class, or Heavenly Palace Class, at 3:40 pm Thursday. The lecture will be broadcast live to audiences around the globe. The astronauts will show viewers how they live and work inside the station and then conduct some scientific experiments to show students how gravity works differently in space. They will also answer viewers’ questions at the end of the live-stream event, the agency said.

Groups of students in Beijing, Nanning in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region and Wenchuan in Sichuan province, as well as the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions, will take part in video communications during the lecture.

The agency said last week that the coming lecture “will mark the launch of the Tiangong Class, China’s first extraterrestrial lecture series to popularize space science”. It added that such lectures will be based on the country’s manned spaceflights and will be presented by Chinese astronauts. Featuring interactive teaching, the activities will be mainly targeted at youngsters.

The three astronauts are scheduled to spend six months working in the station, making it China’s longest manned space mission.

In June 2013, Wang Yaping took part in the Shenzhou X mission that lasted nearly 15 days. During that mission, she carried out the nation’s first space-based lecture inside an experimental space station module to more than 60 million Chinese students. This made China the second country, following the United States, to hold a space-based class for students.

5.According to the passage, what viewers can do during the lecture?

a. learn about astronauts’ space life and work

b. carry out space scientific experiments themselves

c. observe how gravity works differently in space

d. have their questions answered at the end of the lecture

A.abd B.acd

C.abc D.bcd

6.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Only students from 5 regions can enjoy the space-based class.

B.This lecture is markedly targeted at popularizing space science.

C.Wang Yaping is to give a lecture from space for the second time.

D.The space-based lecture in 2013 was broadcast live in China.

7.What made China the second country to hold a space-based class for students?

A.The Shenzhou X mission.

B.Wang Yaping’s space lecture.

C.Staying in space for 15 days.

D.The new space station module.

8.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Chinese Astronauts to Give Lecture from Space

B.A Lecture about Space Live-stream Broadcast

C.China’s Second Longest Manned Space Mission

D.An Unforgettable Experience of Tiangong Class

Chinese astronauts conducted a science lecture 400 kilometers above Earth to millions of students on Thursday afternoon, as they orbited in the Tiangong space station.

Major General Zhai Zhigang, Senior Colonel Wang Yaping and Senior Colonel Ye Guangfu, all members of the Shenzhou XIII mission crew, greeted students, teachers and other ____9____ (participate) when the lecture started at 3:54 pm. They showed viewers ____10____ they live and work inside the space station.

The astronauts displayed their exercise equipment and a specially ____11____ (design) space suit, and ____12____ (conduct) demonstrations on physical phenomena in microgravity, such as “disappearing buoyancy (浮力)” and a “water ball”. Ye Guangfu, ____13____ is on his first spaceflight, showed how he rotated his body in the ____14____ (weight) environment. The astronauts also answered questions from students during the lecture.

Tens of millions of primary and middle school students across China watched the hourlong televised event. It was ____15____ first lecture of the Tiangong Class, or Heavenly Palace Class, China’s first extraterrestrial (外星) lecture series to popularize space science.

More lectures ____16____ (hold) based on the country’s manned spaceflights and will also be presented by Chinese astronauts, the manned space agency said. Such ____17____ (activity) are intended to spread knowledge about manned spaceflights and spark enthusiasm ____18____ science among young people, it added.

Chinese astronauts in Tiangong space station opened a science lecture on December 9th, 2021 as they traveled around ___19___ Earth.

There ___20___ (be)a lecture and some interesting activities on that exciting day. First, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu, all members of the Shenzhou XIII mission crew, greeted students, teachers and other participants as the lecture began at 3:40 pm. They then showed viewers the place ___21___ they live and work. The astronauts carried out experiments ___22___ (show)interesting physical phenomena(现象)in space, ___23___ (include) "disappearing buoyancy(浮力)" and a "water ball". At last, before the end of the livestreamed activities, they ___24___ (happy)answered questions from students. ___25___ (million)of primary and middle school students across China watched the 60-minute televised event, which was the first lecture of the Tiangong Class, China' s first extraterrestrial(地球大气圈外的)lecture series to make students interested ___26___ space science.

The manned space agency said that more lectures would ___27___ (hold)based on the country's manned spaceflights and would also be presented by some ____28____ (profession)Chinese astronauts. Such activities are intended to spread knowledge about manned spaceflights for science among young people.








1.细节理解题。根据第一段“Chinese astronauts conducted a science lecture 400 kilometers above Earth to millions of students on Thursday afternoon, as they orbited in the Tiangong space station. All members of the Shenzhou XII mission crew, Zhai Zhigang, Ye Guangfu and Wang Yaping, the only woman on the mission, greeted students, teachers and other participants when the lecture started at 3:54 pm.(周四下午,当中国宇航员在天宫空间站绕轨道飞行时,他们在离地球400公里的高空对数百万学生进行了科学讲座。下午3点54分讲座开始时,神舟十二号任务组全体成员翟志刚、叶光富和王亚萍(任务中唯一的女性)向学生、老师和其他参与者致意)”和第三段的“Tens of millions of primary and middle school students across China watched the hour-long televised event.(中国各地数千万中小学生观看了这个长达一小时的电视活动)”可知,这次由三名中国宇航员进行的讲座持续了将近一个小时。故选A。

2.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“Wang Yihan, a fifth-grade student at the Yuxin School, said: ‘The astronauts’ experiments really intrigued and surprised me. I have great interest in spaceflight and would like to take part in our country’s space exploration program in the future.’(王一涵,育新学校一名五年级学生 ,说:“宇航员的实验真的引起了我的兴趣,也让我感到惊讶。我对太空飞行很感兴趣,将来想参加我国的太空探索计划。”)”可推断,参加“地面课堂”的学生认为这次太空授课令人惊讶,激发了自己对太空探索的兴趣,说明学生高度赞扬这次太空授课。故选D。

3.词句猜测题。根据倒数第二段的“I have great interest in spaceflight and would like to take part in our country’s space exploration program in the future.(我对太空飞行很感兴趣,将来想参加我国的太空探索计划)”可知,王一涵对太空飞行很感兴趣,将来想要参与国家的太空探索,因此推断划线句“The astronauts’ experiments really intrigued and surprised me.”表达的是:宇航员的实验真的引起了我的兴趣,也让我感到惊讶。说明宇航员的实验激发了他的兴趣,划线词与C项“感兴趣的”意思相近。故选C。

4.推理判断题。根据第一段“Chinese astronauts conducted a science lecture 400 kilometers above Earth to millions of students on Thursday afternoon, as they orbited in the Tiangong space station.(周四下午,中国宇航员在天宫空间站绕轨道飞行时,在距地球400公里的高空向数百万学生进行了一次科学讲座)”以及下文内容可知,文章主要讲述中国宇航员在空间站进行的太空授课,应该属于太空探索板块。故选B。







5.细节理解题。由第二段“The astronauts will show viewers how they live and work inside the station and then conduct some scientific experiments to show students how gravity works differently in space. They will also answer viewers’ questions at the end of the live-stream event, the agency said.”(宇航员将向观众展示他们如何在空间站内生活和工作,然后进行一些科学实验,向学生展示重力在太空中的不同工作方式。该机构表示,他们还将在直播活动结束时回答观众的问题。)可知,观众们会了解到太空生活、观察重力在太空的作用并且向宇航员提问。故选B项。

6.细节理解题。由第二段“The lecture will be broadcast live to audiences around the globe.”(讲座将向全球观众现场直播。)可知,太空课堂会向全球直播,A项“只有来自5个地区的学生才能享受太空课程”错误。故选A项。

7.细节理解题。由尾段“During that mission, she carried out the nation’s first space-based lecture inside an experimental space station module to more than 60 million Chinese students. This made China the second country, following the United States, to hold a space-based class for students.”(在那次任务中,她在一个实验空间站舱内为超过6000万中国学生进行了全国第一次太空讲座。这使中国成为继美国之后第二个为学生开设太空课程的国家。)可知,王亚平的太空讲座使中国成为继美国之后第二个为学生开设天基课程的国家。故选B项。

8.主旨大意题。由第一段“Crew members of China’s Shenzhou XIII mission are scheduled to give a space-based lecture on Thursday afternoon from the orbiting Tiangong space station to students around the world, according to the China Manned Space Agency.”(据中国载人航天局称,中国神舟十三号任务的机组人员定于周四下午在天宫空间站向世界各地的学生进行太空讲座。)可知,本文主要讲了中国宇航员将会进行太空授课。故选A项。








16.will be held








2.考查名词性从句。句意:他们向观众展示他们是如何在太空站生活与工作的。分析句子结构可知,“_____they live and work inside the space station.”作动词showed(展示)的宾语,是宾语从句,且从句中缺少方式状语,表示“如何”,应用how来引导,故填how。

3. 考查形容词。句意:宇航员展示他们的运动器材和特别设计的太空服,并示范微重力下的物理现象,例如“浮力消失”和“水球”。此处应用形容词designed修饰名词短语space suit(太空服),意为“精心设计的”,作定语。故填designed。

4.考查时态。句意:宇航员展示他们的运动器材和特别设计的太空服,并示范微重力下的物理现象,例如“浮力消失”和“水球”。分析句子结构可知,and前后连接两个并列的谓语动词,且由and前的句子和句意可知,句子描述的是过去的事,应用一般过去时,且主语The astronauts(宇航员)和动词conduct(进行)二者之间是主动关系,所以此处应用conduct的过去式,故填conducted。

5.考查定语从句。句意:第一次太空飞行的叶光富,展示了他如何在失重环境下旋转身体。分析句子结构可知,“_______is on his first spaceflight”是非限定性定语从句,先行词是Ye Guangfu,指人,在定语从句中充当主语,应用关系代词who来引导,that不能引导非限制性定语从句,故填who。



8.考查时态和语态。句意:中国载人航天局表示,将举办更多关于中国载人航天的讲座,中国宇航员也将出席讲座。分析句子结构可知,并列连词and连接两个谓语动词,由后半句的will be presented和句意可知,句子描述的是将要发生的事,应用一般将来时,主语More lectures(更多的讲座)和动词hold(举办)二者之间是被动关系,所以此处应用一般将来时的被动语态。故填will be held。


10.考查介词。句意:这些活动旨在传播载人航天知识,激发年轻人对科学的热情。enthusiasm for sth,是固定搭配,表示“对......的热情”。故填for。




22.to show##showing





27.be held






20.考查动词时态。句意:在那激动人心的一天,有一场讲座和一些有趣的活动。根据句子on that exciting day,此处谓语动词用一般过去时,there be的be动词主谓一致根据就近原则,与a lecture保持一致,谓语动词用单数形式。Was符合题意。故填was。

21.考查定语从句。句意:然后,他们向观众展示了他们生活和工作的地方。分析句子结构,先行词the place在从句作地点状语,用关系副词where引导。故填where。

22.考查非谓语动词。句意:宇航员们进行的实验显示了太空中有趣的物理现象,包括“浮力消失”和“水球”。分析句子结构,此处作非谓语动词。前面名词experiments与动词show构成主动关系,用现在分词形式showing作后置定语,或用不定式短语to show作目的状语。故填to show/showing。

23.考查介词。句意:宇航员们进行的实验显示了太空中有趣的物理现象,包括“浮力消失”和“水球”。此处后接名词"disappearing buoyancy(浮力)" and a "water ball"用介词,including包括,符合题意。故填including。


25.考查数词。句意:中国数百万中小学生观看了这场60分钟的电视直播活动,这是天宫班的第一场讲座,天宫班是中国第一个让学生对太空科学感兴趣的地外系列讲座。Millions of 数百万,后面接介词of,数词应该用复数形式,表概数。故填Millions。

26.考查介词。句意:中国数百万中小学生观看了这场60分钟的电视直播活动,这是天宫班的第一场讲座,天宫班是中国第一个让学生对太空科学感兴趣的地外系列讲座。分析句子结构,前面make为使役动词,句中interested作宾语补足语,相当于形容词,后面接宾语应符合be interested in (对……感兴趣)搭配。故填in。

27.考查动词被动语态。句意:载人航天局表示,将根据中国载人航天飞行情况举办更多讲座,一些专业的中国宇航员也将参加讲座。根据句意,more lectures与动词hold构成被动关系,用被动关系,情态动词would接动词原形,be held符合题意。故填be held。






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