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发布时间:2024-09-13 17:45:48



The deal allowing Meng Wanzhou to return home to China nearly three years after her arrest has come as 1. relief to all the participants in the legend that rapidly turned from a narrow legal dispute into an international and political battle.

Through persistent efforts of the Chinese government, Meng Wanzhou, the Chief Financial Officer of China's telecommunication giant Huawei, arrived at Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport on Saturday on a charter flight 2. (organize) by the Chinese government. She 3. (reunite) with her family soon.

Meng, who is the daughter of Huawei's founder, RenZhengfei, was arrested in December 2018 at Vancouver International Airport. by Canadian police 4. the request of the United States. She was accused of misrepresenting Huawei's relationship with Skycom in a Power Point presentation to the HSBC bank in 2013 and putting the bank at the risk of violating US policy against Iran. Meng and Huawei 5. (repeat) denied the accusation.

Meng has released a statement 6. (detail) her feelings over her extradition (引渡) case and return to China. She expressed her 7. (grateful) to China and all those who have supported her over the past three years, saying she wouldn't have gained her freedom without the support of a strong China. She praised the development of the country under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Meng also expressed her luck for living in 8. (peace) times. She said support from China, both at the governmental and civil level, gave her faith and kept her going during 9. she called dark moments. She said the road back home, 10. full of twists and turns, is the most heart-warming journey in the world.

The British government announced on Tuesday that buying new Huawei 5G equipment would11. (ban) more thoroughly.

“The British government's move to ban the company's involvement in the country's 5G networks 12. (be) a faulty decision13.will be most likely to move Britain into the digital slow lane, push up construction costs and14.(deep) the digital divide, " said Chinese technology company Huawei.

“This 15.(disappoint) decision is bad news for anyone in the UK16.a mobile phone, " said Edbrewster, 17.senior worker for Huawei UK.

“Instead of leveling up, the government is leveling down and we urge them 18.(reconsider) . Meanwhile we remain 19.(confidence) that the new US restrictions would not have affected the security of the 20. (product) we supply to other countries.” Oliver Dowden said, UK Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

ByteDance(字节跳动)Group’s TikTok, an overseas version of Chinese short video sharing app Douyin, faces an existential crisis in the United States, as murmurs of a “crackdown”(强制取缔)from the White House forced the Chinese company to engage in talks on selling its US business to Microsoft.

TikTok is the fastest-growing registered global mobile internet app, with more than 100 million users, and its rapid growth, especially in the US, is seen as a threat to Facebook. The US government has long viewed globally competitive Chinese high-tech companies including Huawei as a threat and done whatever it could to crack down on(打击)them in the name of “national security”.

The US government has not introduced any specific policy against TikTok, only threatened it through a number of unclear statements.

According to the latest media reports, Microsoft is prepared to press ahead with the negotiations to take over TikTok’s US operations and complete the negotiations by Sept 15, following talks between Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and US President Donald Trump.

This means that TikTok will have to hand its fate over to some unpredictable power, and even have to sell its assets without the option of setting a price.

The US government has failed to find a reasonable legal excuse to deal with TikTok. All private data of TikTok’s US users are stored in the US and are unlikely to be transferred. Considering the US government is trying to deal with TikTok in a political way, TikTok should consider incorporating(合并)the dispute into the US legal process to assert(坚持)its legal rights and interests.

TiKTok’s core value lies in its unique algorithms, a product of artificial intelligence that represents the expertise of Chinese engineers and programmers with high-value intellectual property.

The US government’s move, which has forced ByteDance to sell TikTok to a US company, is similar to a forced technology transfer and an example of the US’ open seizure of Chinese intellectual property.

If ByteDance sells TikTok to a US company for “security reasons", that would set a dangerous precedent, motivating other countries where TikTok operates to follow the US administration's example and cause a chain reaction.

ByteDance is a young Chinese private company that cannot deal with a political game played by the US. But as a Chinese company that has gone global, ByteDance has reasons to take up legal means to defend its legal rights. The Chinese government can also consider examining whether the technology transfer in the deal violates China’s law and harms the country’s national interests.

21.What is the most valuable as for TikTok?

A.Its global popularity.

B.Its artificial intelligence.

C.Its registered global mobile internet app.

D.Its private data of TikTok’s worldwide users.

22.Why does the American government force the Chinese company to hand over TikTok’s US operations to a US company?

A.Out of so-called political reasons.

B.Out of so-called debt reasons.

C.Out of so-called technical reasons.

D.Out of so-called security reasons.

23.What does the underlined word “seizure”probably mean in Para. 8?

A.An untrue spoken statement about someone.

B.The use of legal authority to take sth from sb.

C.The crime of stealing sth from a person or place.

D.The act of trying to hurt somebody using physical violence.

24.What can be the best title for the news report?

A.TikTok must defend its rights legally

B.TikTok is seen as a threat to Facebook

C.ByteDance has to sell TikTok to a US company

D.ByteDance agrees to transfer technology




3.will be reunited/will reunite












3.考查时态和语态。句意:她很快就要和家人团聚了。动词unite,意为“(使)团结”,因此这里可以用主动也可以用被动,根据时间状语soon可知是一般将来时,故填will be reunited/will reunite。

4.考查介词。句意:孟是华为创始人任正非的女儿,她于2018年12月应美国的要求在温哥华国际机场被加拿大警方逮捕。短语at the request of…,意为“应……的要求”,根据句意,故填at。



7.考查名词。句意:她对中国和过去三年支持她的所有人表示感谢,说没有一个强大的中国的支持,她就不可能获得自由。设空处为宾语,应用名词形式,可以用gratefulness或者 gratitude,故填gratefulness/ gratitude。



10.考查让步状语从句。句意:她说,回家的路虽然曲折,却是世界上最暖心的旅程。分析可知设空处为省略主语和be动词的状语从句,表让步,应用though或者although,故填 though/although。

11.be banned







18.to reconsider






1.考查被动语态。句意:英国政府周二宣布,将更彻底地禁止购买华为新5G设备。句子主语buying new Huawei 5G equipment 和动词ban为动宾关系,所以ban用被动。结合设空前would,此处用过去将来时的被动语态。故填be banned。

2.考查主谓一致和时态。句意:中国技术公司华为(Huawei)表示: “英国政府禁止该公司参与英国5G网络的举措是一个错误的决定,这最有可能使英国进入数字慢车道,推高建设成本,加深数字鸿沟。”本句置于引号中,讲述的为一个客观现实,所以时态用一般现在时,根据主语The British government's move为单数第三人称,所以be动词用is。故填is。


4.考查非谓语动词。句意同上。be likely to do意为“可能干某事,” 其后用了三个动词不定式的并列,根据设空前push up construction costs and,可知后两个动词省略了to,所以此处需要把形容词deep加en变成动词deepen。故填deepen。

5.考查形容词。句意:Edbrewster 说,一名华为英国公司的资深员工说:“这个令人失望的决定对于任何一个在英国拥有手机的人来说都是个坏消息。”根据设空后decision可知,设空处填形容词。动词disappoint“时失望”,形容词disappointing“令人失望的”,修饰人或物,表明自身的某种特点,此处指消息的特点是令人失望的。故填disappointing。

6.考查介词。句意同上。anyone with a mobile phone 意为“任何有手机的人”,所以设空处填介词with。故填with。


8.考查非谓语动词。句意:政府非但没有升级,反而降级了,我们敦促他们重新考虑。固定短语urge sb to do sth.意为“敦促某人做某事”,,所以设空处填不定式to reconsider。故填to reconsider。

9.考查形容词。句意:英国数字,文化,媒体和体育大臣Oliver dowden 说:“与此同时,我们仍然相信,美国的新限制措施不会影响我们向其它国家供应的产品的安全。”根据设空前的remain,可知,设空处用形容词做表语,confidence“信心”,形容词形式为“confident”,故填confident。








21.细节理解题。根据倒数第四段的“TiKTok’s core value lies in its unique algorithms, a product of artificial intelligence that represents the expertise of Chinese engineers and programmers with high-value intellectual property.(TiKTok的核心价值在于其独特的算法,这是人工智能的产物,代表了拥有高价值知识产权的中国工程师和程序员的专业知识。)”可知,对TikTok来说,最有价值的是它的人工智能,故选B。

22.推理判断题。根据第二段的“The US government has long viewed globally competitive Chinese high-tech companies including Huawei as a threat and done whatever it could to crack down on them in the name of “national security”.(长期以来,美国政府视华为等具有全球竞争力的中国高科技企业为威胁,以 “国家安全”的名义对其进行打击。)”可知,美国政府以所谓的安全理由,强迫中国公司将TikTok在美国的业务移交给一家美国公司。故选D。

23.词句猜测题。根据倒数第三段的“The US government’s move, which has forced ByteDance to sell TikTok to a US company, is similar to a forced technology transfer(美国政府的这一举措迫使字节跳动将TikTok出售给一家美国公司,类似于强制技术转让)”可知,美国是在夺取中国的技术或知识产权,因此 “seizure”的意思是“利用法律权力从某人手中夺走某物”,故选B。

24.主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第二段的“The US government has long viewed globally competitive Chinese high-tech companies including Huawei as a threat and done whatever it could to crack down on(打击)them in the name of “national security”(长期以来,美国政府一直将包括华为在内的具有全球竞争力的中国高科技企业视为威胁,并以 “国家安全”的名义采取一切可能的措施予以打击)”及最后一段的“But as a Chinese company that has gone global, ByteDance has reasons to take up legal means to defend its legal rights(但作为一家走向全球的中国公司,字节跳动有理由采取法律手段捍卫自己的合法权益 )”可知,本文最好的题目是A选项“TikTok必须合法捍卫自己的权利”,故选A。





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