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发布时间:2024-09-16 15:11:06



If you look around your city, you might spot girls wearing hanfu in subways or people wearing, T-shirts with Chinese characters on the streets. A new trend is taking hold in China-guochao or “China-chic”.

According to a recently published report, searches related to guochao on Dianping, a lifestyle information platform, have risen by 170 percent from the same period last year, and reviews have risen by nearly 40 percent. China-chic is happening, but what is it?

The term characterizes the rise of China’s native fashion trends. It has expanded the concept of “Made in China”, which has been recognized as the representation of Chinese culture and aesthetics (审美) offered by homegrown Chinese brands, according to CGTN.

China-chic came into the spotlight in 2018. Before that, big-name foreign companies dominated the world market. To win market share, many Chinese brands followed in the footsteps of these Western brands. But that year, Chinese sportswear brand Li-Ning changed things up. During the 2018 New York Fashion Week, Li-Ning introduced its Taoism-inspired Wu Dao collection. The collection not only had a trendy look, but also included elements of traditional Chinese culture. It immediately grabbed attention at home and abroad. As a result, the company recorded 20 percent revenue growth in 2018, marking the first time the brand’s revenue had hit the 10-billion-yuan mark since its founding.

The trend to embrace (欣然) domestic brands has since spread rapidly to various sectors (领域) and products, from food and drinks to clothing, mobile phones and electric vehicles. For example, White Rabbit, whose sweet candy brings back childhood memories for many, launched its perfume (香水) and lip balm (唇膏). “We want White Rabbit to be a brand that young people want to share,” Shen Qinfeng, the company’s marketing manager, told People’s Daily.

Now, the guochao trend is “moving to the next stage”, where its success will rely, first and foremost on gaining cultural confidence rather than Western validation (认可), according to Kerra Zhou, founder or brand strategy consultancy Kerrisma.

This March, several Western brands boycotted Xinjiang cotton over “forced labor” allegations (指控). To show national pride and cultural confidence, the “I support Xinjiang cotton” campaign spread across the country. Many Chinese boycotted these Western brands and turned to Chinese domestic brands support Xinjiang cotton, 1ike Li-Ning and Anta.

“No matter how the guochao trend evolves, there’s one thing that won’t change: Behind the craze is people’s positive attitude toward the country’s development and their recognition of and growing confidence in national culture,” said Yao Linqing, a professor in the School of Economics and Management at Communication University of China.

1.What is China-Chic according to the text?

A.Interest in Chinese features in fashion.

B.Young Chinese peoples preference for ancient culture.

C.The international popularity of products made in China.

D.The growing role of Chinese native brands in promoting aesthetics.

2.Why did Li-Ning, get so much attention during the 2018 New York Fashion Week?

A.It took the lead in the similar brands.

B.It adopted Western design in its sportswear.

C.Its revenue hit the 10-billion-yuan mark that year.

D.Its products followed the trend and reflected Chinese elements.

3.What did White Rabbit do to win over young buyers?

A.It upgraded its packaging.

B.It expanded its domestic market.

C.It increased the variety of its products.

D.It brought their childhood memories back.

4.What does the example of the “I support Xinjiang cotton” campaign try to show?

A.Chinese products are better than Western ones.

B.Chinese native brands are facing false allegations.

C.Cheap and high quality native materials are more popular.

D.Chinese people’s cultural confidence drives the guochao trend.

China-chic is a term that describes the trend of China-centric design. It demonstrates the rise of Chinese brands. Before we discuss whether or not the term is accurate, and reasons thereof, it is important to first figure out who are the main consumers of these Chinese brands.

Generation Z, the young consumers born between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s, have been raised on the Internet and social media. They are gradually moving toward maturity. They have naturally become the main force that drives China’s consumer market.

Most young people earn their own incomes. Even if they don’t, their parents and family members will support them financially. So their purchasing power is stronger than prior generations of youth.

Besides, today’s young people have had access to various domestic and foreign brands since they were born. For them, global brands such as KFC.McDonald’s, L’Oreal and Nike are just everyday consumer goods. Unlike the previous generations in China, they do not look up to global brands with admiration.

As members of Generation Z are taking the center stage in the consumer market, full of confidence, personalities and awareness of investing in themselves, they almost determine its present and the future. This factor plays a key role in the global economy. That is to say, whichever brand, domestic or global, that pays attention to Generation Z first and satisfies the group’s needs will get a head start.

It is the Chinese companies more than others that truly respect the uniqueness of Generation Z’s demands. A typical example is Chinese sportswear brand Li-Ning. Although the domestic sportswear market is still dominated by global brands like Nike and Adidas, Li-Ning has succeeded in using “China-chic” as a way to show self-confidence of the Chinese young people. By wearing Li-Ning’s products, a consumer is telling others: “I’m different from you. I have my own personality traits.”

Inspired by Li-Ning, other Chinese brands including Anta and Feiyue also launched products to satisfy the demands of the new generation of consumers.

5.In writing Paragraph 1, the author aims to ______.

A.introduce the topic

B.present an argument

C.reach a conclusion

D.propose a definition

6.What can we learn from Paragraphs 3 and 4?

A.Generation Z make money all by themselves.

B.Generation Z have more buying power than their parents.

C.Generation Z treat brands at home and abroad equally.

D.Generation Z consume global brands every day.

7.According to the passage, if international brands want to be successful in the future, they should ___.

A.dominate Chinese sportswear market

B.meet the needs of Generation Z

C.learn from Generation Z

D.determine their own future

8.What does the example of Li-Ning tell us?

A.It’s a typical Chinese company.

B.It is confident of success.

C.Chinese brands are starting to respect the unusual needs of Generation Z’s.

D.Chinese brands have ruled the domestic sportswear market.

9.What does the passage focus on?

A.Why do Chinese brands impress Generation Z?

B.The uniqueness of Generation Z.

C.The choice of Generation Z.

D.Sportswear brands and their future.

A recent survey reported that by 2023, China’s hanfu fans ____10____ (reach) 6.89 million. Currently, there were more than 3,000 registered hanfu-related businesses in china, 60% of ____11____ were registered in the past five years. Minghuatang, known as the “King of hanfu”, is a hanfu business. Data from Minghuatang’s official website on May 17 showed the customer service is busy ____12____ (handle) orders submitted on May17, and the tailoring period has been scheduled to mid-March 2023. Apart from high-end markets, ____13____ (expensive) hanfu are also popular. Data from Taobo’s platform showed that hanfu priced ____14____ 100 yuan and 300 yuan ____15____ (take) up over 60 percent of sales, while those over 500 yuan accounted for ____16____ (rough) 30 percent of sales only.

Expert analyzed that the ____17____ (popular) of hanfu was mainly driven by young people who often shared their hobbies with others online. Additionally, hit Chinese dramas on TV also accelerated the development of hanfu-ralated businesses. Key leaders’ reactions to characters ____18____ (wear) hanfu draw millions of online audience members into the sector.

Hanfu eventually became _____19_____ mass fashion because it is a carrier of traditional culture, not merely a clothing.

In recent years, the term “China Chic” ____20____ (know) among fashion enthusiasts nationwide. The ____21____ (promote) of cultural confidence is the driving force for its formation. A Chinese university is working with a top brand ____22____ (support) designers in this area.

Tapestry, a fashion group, with Donghua University launched a training program, ____23____ aimed to promote “China Chic” abroad. They participated in the 4th China International Import Expo in Shanghai in November 2021 with a special collection of an ____24____ (entire) new brand. Led by Shan Chaoran from Donghua University, the collection ____25____ (include) bags, clothes and shoes.

Shan said China Chic was their theme. Among their designs, there lay ____26____ green woven cow leather bag ____27____ (reflect) garden elements and the tenon (榫) structure of architecture in China. “Our understanding of ‘China Chic’ is ____28____ young people like,” Shan said.

“China Chic’’, involving the use of traditional patterns, is not a wind like trend, a flash in the pan, _____29_____ a way to highlight the hot issues among young people, a positive culture in China.








1.细节理解题。根据文章第三段“The term characterizes the rise of China’s native fashion trends.(这个词代表了中国本土时尚潮流的崛起)”可知,国潮指的是对中国特色的时尚感兴趣。故选A。

2.细节理解题。根据文章第四段“During the 2018 New York Fashion Week, Li-Ning introduced its Taoism-inspired Wu Dao collection. The collection not only had a trendy look, but also included elements of traditional Chinese culture. It immediately grabbed attention at home and abroad.(在2018年纽约时装周期间,李宁推出了以道教为灵感的五道系列。该系列不仅外观时尚,还包含了中国传统文化的元素。它立即引起了国内外的关注)”可知,李宁在2018年纽约时装周上备受关注,因为它的产品紧跟潮流,反映了中国元素。故选D。

3.细节理解题。根据文章第五段“For example, White Rabbit, whose sweet candy brings back childhood memories for many, launched its perfume (香水) and lip balm (唇膏). “We want White Rabbit to be a brand that young people want to share,” Shen Qinfeng, the company’s marketing manager, told People’s Daily.(例如,大白兔公司推出了香水和唇膏,它的糖果让许多人想起了童年的记忆。“我们希望大白兔成为一个年轻人愿意分享的品牌,”大白兔营销经理沈勤锋在接受《人民日报》采访时表示)”可知,年轻人喜欢购买时尚的东西,例如香水和唇膏,这样可以相互分享传播。由此可知,为了赢得年轻人的青睐,大白兔增加了产品的种类。故选C。

4.推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段“To show national pride and cultural confidence, the “I support Xinjiang cotton” campaign spread across the country.(为了展示民族自豪感和文化自信,“我支持新疆棉花”运动在全国范围内展开)”可知,“我支持新疆棉花”运动的例子,试图表明中国人的文化自信推动了国潮趋势。故选D。








5.推理判断题。根据第一段“China-chic is a term that describes the trend of China-centric design. It demonstrates the rise of Chinese brands. Before we discuss whether or not the term is accurate, and reasons thereof, it is important to first figure out who are the main consumers of these Chinese brands.(“中国风”指的是以中国为中心的设计潮流。这证明了中国品牌的崛起。在我们讨论这个术语是否准确以及其原因之前,重要的是首先要弄清楚谁是这些中国品牌的主要消费者)”以及第二段“Generation Z, the young consumers born between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s, have been raised on the Internet and social media. They are gradually moving toward maturity. They have naturally become the main force that drives China’s consumer market.( Z一代是90年代中期到2010年代初出生的年轻消费者,他们是在互联网和社交媒体上长大的。他们正逐渐走向成熟。他们自然成为推动中国消费市场的主要力量)”可推知,作者写第一段是为了引入文章主题。故选A。

6.细节理解题。根据第四段“Besides, today’s young people have had access to various domestic and foreign brands since they were born. For them, global brands such as KFC, McDonald’s, L’Oreal and Nike are just everyday consumer goods. Unlike the previous generations in China, they do not look up to global brands with admiration.(此外,今天的年轻人从出生起就接触到了各种国内外品牌。对他们来说,肯德基/麦当劳、欧莱雅和耐克等全球品牌只是日常消费品。与中国的前几代人不同,他们并不崇拜国际品牌)”可知,Z一代平等对待国内外品牌。故选C。

7.细节理解题。根据第五段中“That is to say, whichever brand, domestic or global, that pays attention to Generation Z first and satisfies the group’s needs will get a head start.(也就是说,无论是国内品牌还是国际品牌,只要首先关注Z一代,并满足集团的需求,就会抢占先机)”可知,如果国际品牌想在未来成功,他们应该满足Z一代的需求。故选B。

8.推理判断题。根据第六段中“It is the Chinese companies more than others that truly respect the uniqueness of Generation Z’s demands. A typical example is Chinese sportswear brand Li-Ning. (真正尊重Z一代需求的独特性的是中国公司,而不是其他公司。中国运动服装品牌李宁就是一个典型的例子)”可推知,李宁的例子告诉我们中国品牌开始尊重Z一代的不同寻常的需求。故选C。

9.主旨大意题。根据第一段“China-chic is a term that describes the trend of China-centric design. It demonstrates the rise of Chinese brands. Before we discuss whether or not the term is accurate, and reasons thereof, it is important to first figure out who are the main consumers of these Chinese brands.(“中国风”指的是以中国为中心的设计潮流。这证明了中国品牌的崛起。在我们讨论这个术语是否准确以及其原因之前,重要的是首先要弄清楚谁是这些中国品牌的主要消费者)”以及第二段“Generation Z, the young consumers born between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s, have been raised on the Internet and social media. They are gradually moving toward maturity. They have naturally become the main force that drives China’s consumer market.( Z一代是90年代中期到2010年代初出生的年轻消费者,他们是在互联网和社交媒体上长大的。他们正逐渐走向成熟。他们自然成为推动中国消费市场的主要力量)”结合文章主要说明了中国品牌正在崛起,而产生这一现象背后的原因是年轻消费者——Z一代。文章介绍了Z一代年轻人的特点以及中国品牌能给Z一代留下深刻印象的原因。可知,文章的重点是为什么中国品牌能给Z一代留下深刻印象。故选A。

10.will reach/will have reached












10.考查动词时态。句意:最近的一项调查显示,到2023年,中国的汉服粉丝将达到689万。由前面的时间状语by 2023“到2023年为止”可知,主句的时态为将来时态,结合句意可为将来完成时或者一般将来时。故填will reach /will have reached。


12.考查非谓语动词。句意:明华堂官网5月17日的数据显示,客户服务正忙于处理5月17日提交的订单。be busy doing sth“忙于做某事”为固定短语,空处需填动名词作宾语。故填handling。


14.考查介词。句意:淘宝平台的数据显示,售价在100元到300元之间的汉服占据了超过60%的销售额。由“100 yuan and 300 yuan”可知,结合句意此处表示“在100元到300元之间之间”,在两者之间为介词between。故填between。

15.考查动词。句意:淘宝平台的数据显示,售价在100元到300元之间的汉服占据了超过60%的销售额。分析句子可知,在该宾语从句中,主句动词showed 为过去时,从句动词为相应的过去时态,结合句意为一般过去时。故填took。

16.考查副词。句意:而500元以上的销售额仅占销售额的30%左右。由副词修饰动词可知,此处为副词roughly修饰动词词组accounted for。故填roughly。




20.has been known


22.to support










20.考查时态和语态。句意:近年来,“中国时尚”一词在全国的时尚爱好者中流行开来。分析句子可知,提示词是句中谓语动词,根据时间状语In recent years可知,用现在完成时态,主语the term “China Chic”与动词know是被动关系,应用被动语态,又因主语the term “China Chic”是单数名词,谓语动词用单数形式。故填has been known。


22.考查非谓语动词。句意:一所中国大学正在与一个顶级品牌合作,为该领域的设计师提供支持。分析句意可知,这里是表目的,用动词不定式作目的状语。故填to support。

23.考查定语从句。句意:时尚集团挂毯与东华大学合作推出培训项目,旨在向国外推广"中国时尚"。分析句子可知,空格后是定语从句,修饰先行词a training program,指物,在非限制性定语从句中充当主语,所以用关系代词which引导。故填which。











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